Saturday, September 20, 2008

Baby Update

Just thought I would pop in really quick and update everyone about the baby. We had the 34 week check up, that amounts to an ultrsound to measure baby, and then make the call as to when the "d-day" will be. On Wednesday, we went in for that particular appointment. The ultrasound went wonderfully, in fact we now have a picture of the baby's foot! The interesting news is more along the lines of how big the baby really is. We knew the baby had been measuring about a week ahead from the get-go, which in all reality is nothing to be getting too excited about, but definately something to keep in mind. Once the ultrasound had started, the doctor checked size of uterus, and then started in with measurements of the baby itself. Somewhere in the midst of all of this, he stopped and asked us what the due date was. We told him we were told the 28th of October, and he hung his head and laughed. He then asked his nurse (who was assisting durin the ultrasound) what she was regeristing for a due date. She said her computer was telling her Oct. 14, while the doctor checked with the machine that was telling him Oct. 11. In short, the baby was measuring around two and a half weeks larger then where it should be. The baby was weighing in around 6 lbs 7 oz already, which is about average for a baby at 38 weeks. Talk about a BIG baby in line! The doctor had no clue as to how to handle that bit of change, as he came in prepared to say the week of Oct 14th for the "d-day". He said that probably wouldnt happen. So as it stands currently, I am to go in this upcoming Thursday (Sept. 25th) for a "check" up, and then a date set from there depending on how that turns out. For the most part, at this stage of the game, we are trying to make it from one point to another, without having any more suprizes in between :) It is really confusing though, as my mind is currently in mode of 34 1/2 weeks, and any contractions (or anything else) means pre-term...when the baby is big enough to be able to be called term, which means body is acting according to the baby, and then the mind starts getting worried again knowing how far I am. Circular this case is BAD! From the sounds of the doctor, he would have no problem delivering the baby if it decided to show up from the point and time we left until any identifiable "d-day".
We are also back to the question of what gender baby is. I think with the size of the baby, the doctor forgot to make sure that we were talking about a boy..or find out if the baby was a girl. We have no worries however, as we have a name for both :) As things progress, I will be on updating. Stay tuned for the updates :)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Last (Unfortunately) of the Fair Pics

Another yearly stop is the "Farm". This year, JohnMark was able to participate by himself for the most part. As his new fascination is tractors, I figured to leave this picture out would damage the following cute pictures. Again, as previously mentioned, there are more pictures involved with this, but to put them up would require MANY more posts...
JohnMark in his element. He recently discovered Skid Loaders, and wanted to see one up close. His pronounciation of the tractor's name is "Skloader", and when he found out we were going to see them, he started laughing. We did not even have to ask for a smile for this picture.
While Abbi was off wandering around for her tractor of choice, we found Kenzie having had climbed up into the Skid Loader. As you can tell, she feels at home in the tractor.
Text ColorAbbi found her tractor, being the classic style. Not too sure as to what she needed to do while up there, she sat and smiled, looking cute as always. She was trying to find fork lifts, as well as the riding mowers, but we kept pictures to tractors only.
Not to be outdone, Kenzie had to have a picture taken on top of the tractor. Once again, she looks at home on a tractor...ironic since she lives in a city. As this is again one of those really cute pictures, I couldn't find it in my heart to leave it off of the picture list.

I may try to update more pictures every week or so in order to try to not overload the blog. I hope that you enjoyed the pictures that have made it up so far. Please feel free to leave your comments if the blog will let you, otherwise email them to me at .

More From The Fair

While at the Fair, we usually stop and see the Saturn exhibit. This year, they had a really fun looking sports car, which Abbi wanted to try out. We just about had to pry her out, as she had that much fun just sitting in the car!
Not to be outdone, Kenzie had to have a turn. As you can tell, she also enjoyed being behind the wheel, but is a bit more road conscience (facing the correct way in a car vs. Abbi who was pointed out the door). JohnMark was not interested in any of the cars that were there.
One of our yearly stops includes the 4-H building. This year, they had a technology corner set up with everything dealing from Guitar Hero to Wii stations set up for various ages. Abbi found one of the stations, set up for her age group. The game was a fishing type game, and her look of concentration was too good to pass up.
Abbi with the Wii controller in her hand actively playing, while Kenzie looks on and cheers her sister on.
Another priceless picture brought to you by Kenzie. She had her turn at the fishing game, and while she was busy playing, her concentration came out in her open hand gesturing. Again, this was one that had to get put up.

In the next post, I will be putting some up of JohnMark, as well as some other random pictures. Like I said before, this being 10 of over 50, I have to limit it somewhere. For those who check this site who have Facebook, I have MANY more posted on there.

A Pseudo Expected Update :)

JohnMark at the beginning of the day. As you can tell, he is a bit excited about his journey, and looking forward to all of the fun that the day holds.
The kids visited the Newspaper Press for the first time. While there, they had the chance to learn how printing presses, linographs, and neswspapers as a whole were produced. At the end of the "tour", they each recieved their own "Press Hats".
The kids during their time at the "Farm". This year they had various cut-outs the kids could pose at. This is the only one that allowed for all three to particiapate. Even though it is not a clear shot (room really did not allow for it), JohnMark is up top (with me holding), Kenzie is the pig, and Abbi is the sheep. In following posts, there will be more of these cut-outs, but as this particular post is to show all three, this one had to make it first.

Like the title holds, and as I have been promising, here is the next update. On Labor Day, we went to the Minnesota State Fair. While there were several pictures taken, I have to resign myself to only a few to be posted, as I am already looking at at least a couple of postings in order to get them on the site (something about a five pic limit...). I will include as much of the story as possible with the pictures, most of which will be of the kids (of course :) ). So sit back and enjoy this update, coming in many different installments, but well worth it :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Pics Have Arrived!!

We have a new camera! Here are a few pics to update everyone on what the kids look like at this stage of life! For those of you who have Facebook, some of these will be uploaded there too!
Abbi (age 6) and Kenzie (age 4 1/2). This was taken after bathtime, and before bedtime.
Kenzie and Abbi in one of their rare moments of sisterhood. Not sure if it was a purposeful pose or not, but I will take it!
JohnMark (age 2) at bathtime. This is our first ever bath pic of any of the kids. Apparently he enjoyed hamming for the camera!
One of our "kids". This would be the ever infamous Toby...the hyper basset. It doesn't look like it now, but he was busy going from room to room earlier having fun!
The other of our two "kids". This is Milo, the psycho cat. Though it does not appear like it now, the mouse was killed (stuffed of course), and then Milo attempted at playing fetch. I hope to get video of him actually playing fetch, as I am sure some of you would absolutely love it!

That just about does it for this update. As we get more pics, they will be added. We head to the State Fair on Monday, so that should present some pretty fun pictures. I will also try and get some pictures of the house (inside and out) up, as we have been here for a year now. I am excited as I am now definately keeping this updated! Hopefully it will last...especially with the baby coming.... :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life and its Fun Times

Ok. So I havent updated in a while. More then a while. But I have a really good reason. Its called chasing three young ones, carrying the fourth (who demands naps at weird times), and trying to keep up with the house. That is, until today. Normally, when I hit nesting, I hand mop all floors that can handle mopping, then wax them by hand. We have a no wax vinal floor. Hand mopping could work, but not as well as before. I was asked to do a few extra things around the house today, which was done (thanks to the kids), but all of a sudden felt as if it werent enough. I then started in on windows. Why windows when floors could use it more, I have no idea, but windows it was. Midway through my second window (outside part), it occured to me that I was nesting. The second type..the one where the house MUST look spotless at all times kind. We have pretty much everything ready for the baby, which was done during the first type of nesting. It is interesting to see that my brain has taken to windows though. At the time of this blog, I have three left, all in the bedrooms. I am trying to rationalize that no one will see them except those of us in the family, but it keeps getting over-ridden by the thought of "there are only three left". I am scared to find out what my next nesting push will be. Probably something totally off the wall like washing the walls or something fun. Then again, when has my brain ever done anything close to normal??
Ok.. On with the family. The girls made it through soccer just fine. Hopefully soon I will be able to put their soccer pictures up for all to see. At the end of the season, it was hard to tell if they wanted to keep doing soccer, or if it was just a fun thing at the time. I know that they are now focused on swimming lessons. I have yet to hear about basketball. I am also hoping to start schooling in the next week or expect posts about that fun venture.
JohnMark is getting excited for the baby in his own way. I have officially become his which there is a loving war between Kenzie, JohnMark, and the baby over whose mom I really am. Its definatly fun times.
As for the baby. We still do not know the date of deliverery, but I am still hoping for Oct. 9th. The date is one in a lifetime, and since we already have a 02-03-04, we might as well have a 10-09-08. We have finally decided on a name...which will be Levi Marshall. In case all pictures are wring, and the baby will be another girl, the name will be Lydia Rene'. At last check, baby still seems to be a bit bigger then normal, but may have actually caught up to where he needs to be. Then again, he likes to change positions on people we shall see after Labor Day at the next apointment.
I should end this here, as the kids need lunch, and the windows are calling me still. I am hoping to be able to update this a bit more often though.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Family Update

So purple is the color choice of the day. Not sure why I chose this, but oh well:) Since last post, Abbi has had her 6th birthday, which has seemingly signified in her mind she is "officially a big girl". It is amazing when someone realizes they are a big girl...I am not sure when that came to me, but I think I was a bit older...LOL. Both Abbi and Kenzie are in soccer through the YMCA now, and I think both are enjoying it. Abbi (once she figured out what she was doing) stopped a couple of would-be goals from happening. She then took the field, and promptly ran the ball the wrong way. Thankfully the "Coach" stopped the ball from bee-lining it in the goal and pointed the correct way to go. I was sooo proud of her! Kenzie has learned the fun of rolling a soccer ball down a hill, then rolling herself down the hill after it in order to beat the soccer ball. She does play with the other kids a bit, but as most of the kids have their mom or dad on the field with them, I think she feels a bit left out. Once I explained that I couldnt be out there, but would LOVE to be, she was ok with it...then found the joys of the hill. Its ok...I knew she loved Volleyball when she was playing it. She seems to show no interest in Track and Field, or Basketball, so I think between Swim Team (when she gets old enough and provided that is still a priority) and Volleyball she will be set. Abbi is LOVING soccer so much that I think she will be the basketball and soccer person. JohnMark hasnt said either way yet, but as he has a couple of years to go, I think that is fine. We still have not settled on a name for #4 yet, though I think we are getting closer. His playtime is consistantly between 11 pm and 5 am...though that seems to be shifting. If Abbi or Kenzie comes in during the morning, and starts to talk, the baby soon as JohnMark starts talking (usually when he gets in) the baby is up and stays that way until JohnMark is asleep again. Life will be SOO fun when he gets here:) Our garden is doing well...for a really weird and wacky reasons. The rabbits DO get in, but they eat the grass and weeds that get into the garden. Our lettuce has been untouched, as has most everything else. Hopefully things will start coming off soon!! Now all I have to do is get ahold of a salsa receipe for canning:)
I apologize that this update seems to be a bit scattered. Blame it on lack of sleep:) I am hoping to remember to update this site a bit more often. If anyone has any ideas at all about Biblical names for boys, please feel free to leave a message:)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

An Update maybe the color of the typing will give this away. Just in case, we found out today that Patten #4 will most likely be a boy. According to the doctor, "the baby appears to be rather boyish today". Of course, to make sure, the nurse put a question mark behind the word boy...but the baby left NO doubt. Definately an easy baby to run an ultrasound on. We also found out that the baby is still running about a week ahead of schedule, and now weighs 9 oz. I am thinking we are definately going to have a big baby (takes after Abbi). The girls were happy to see the baby, but rather bummed to find out it will most likely be another boy. JohnMark was stunned. I think he realized he will have to share his room. Our only problem at this stage...what to name the baby? I have a name that I think would be really cool, a family legacy name. Steve doesnt like it, but can't seem to come up with a better name. Overall, baby is doing really well. I would say that for a prayer request to pray for me, as I am having a really hard time with the weight gain. I know I am supposed to gain, however I was in process of loosing the weight before conception. I have already gained ten pounds. Also, pray that my body can handle the extra weight of another I am already having issues with back and knees. Pray also that frustration levels will not spill over too much to those around me, as the hormones are really messing with my ability to handle things.
On a side note, we made it safetly back from our camping trip up to Bemidji, Minnesota. As soon as we came home, I had a shadow in the form of Milo follow me everywhere. I still have the shadow. We had a fun time over the weekend. Apparently the State Parks have a new thing called GeoCache(ing). Sixteen parks have GPS units available to use...while the other however many there are dont. There is now talk between Steve and our friends to have a GPS per family, and see how many of the parks we can clobber this summer. We shall see how that goes! For now, the women of the group are both pregnate, one to deliver (prayerfully) in July, then myself in October. It has made travel interesting this year, as there has been a constant race to see who gets to the bathroom first. The girls really enjoyed camping this go round (again), and hope to return to Bemidji State Park. JohnMark became adventurous, and found his way over to our tent twice (without our knowledge) in the next site over. Keep in mind, there were brush and trees separating our sites. Made for fun times...LOL. One of our next feats will be over 4th of July weekend (the last weekend before baby #1 comes along) up at Sakatah State Park. That should be a fun time had by all too, as there are numerous walking trails, and tons of memories from three years ago.
I should end this update before it gets too long. If I am not mistaken, the comment section is now open for use, so if anyone has any ideas for names, drop em by. Either that, drop them at my facebook account. I think instead of a baby pool, it should be a name poole...hehe. I hope to hear some feedback soon, and as soon as I get the time, I will scan some pics in and post them. If only I could do the same for pics of the house...LOL. That is another story.....I hope to hear from yall soon!

Friday, April 04, 2008

An Update

Just thought I would take the time to update everyone about the OB appointment that I had on Wednesday. From what the doctor said, there is a potential that, IF the numbers of the antiboties gets too high, there could wind up being blood problems with the baby. However, right now the numbers are pretty low, and the doctor (along with the lab people) do not see any reason for the numbers to rise. There are at least two more times that I will have to get the blood tested to make sure they are not rising, but I think I can handle that. I also had my first official ultrasound of the baby. It is definately a baby, but the dates seem to be off via the machine. At the time of the appointment, I should have been at 10 weeks and 0 days, but the machine had the baby measuring 11 weeks 0 days. Hopefully this will wind up being good news for us, as this is a C-Section...and with all the past problems, having the date moved up a week, then the two weeks can see how this goes. Of course, at this time I am being overly optomistic, and could use a dose of reality...but it is SOOOO nice to dream:)
Kenzie started Volleyball this past Saturday. She LOVES it, and has spent all week counting down the days until the next time to Volleyball. Just an insertion...she is the shortest (not to mention youngest) in the sport right now, and her attitude and optimism suprised not only the helpers, but the one in charge of it all. This was SUCH a swich from Abbi who all but gave up on Basketball because she wasn't doing as well as the others. Hopefully I will be able to get more updates as they become available.
Abbi also started a new sport this past Saturday. We put her in Track (which winds up being Track and Field...) in the hopes that running will help her over abundance in energy. She was getting over being sick last week, as well as getting thrown in with a bunch of people she didn't know...the end result being, she didn't apply herself totally. She did run the entirety of the track one time around, which was good, and she DID try, which also was good, but you could tell she was holding back. We shall see how the next time goes...I think it will be better. She did enjoy herself, and said that the High Jump (modified) was her favorite. We shall see if the warmer weather brings out the speed in her.
Bubba is enjoying just being outside again. He is too young to be involved with any of the sports, but still LOVES being outside in the warmer weather. I am having to fight he AND the dog to get them back inside at times. The countdown to camping season has started...LOL.
I am planning our first ever garden. This will be a new venture for me, but not the first garden I have ever worked with. Growing up, I remember my parents having various gardens, and my job was to weed them. Unbeknownst to them, I watched how they got the gardens ready every year, so now I know what to do for my own. The only problem being, what to grow for a first garden? The resounding answer of potatoes, carrots, onions, and tomatoes have come from quite a few people. I am also thinking of Okra (my southern roots surfacing), maybe lettuce to surround the garden (keep the bunnies busy on the outside, so the inside gets left alone), maybe bell peppers, and then I run out of thoughts. For those of you interested in passing along information...the garden is 12 foot long by 5 foot wide. Not very big, but definately big enough. Feel free to email me any info (, as I am not sure if I have the comment thing set up right.
Now to the prayer request section. Pray first off for Steve. He has a new lifeguard set up, but not for another couple of weeks. As it is now, he is lined up to be guarding everyday for the next two weeks, during what I call the major section (9:30-1:45). This limits how much work he gets done office wise, which in turn makes for longer days. Pray that God will give him the strength and the awakedness to be able to handle it. Also, our lovely neighbors have moved the sign again...and this time let us (me) know who did it. I in turn let our councilman know, but there has been no return call as of yet as how to handle it. The signs that are there now are temporary, which is how they are being moved. Pray for me in this matter, as it infuriates me, and dwelling on it too much can get into the sinful area of life...nuff said. Keep my body in your prayers as well, as the kids somehow got Influenza strain B this past week. I have never had the I could have already had it, or I could have yet to get it. If it is the latter, there is NOTHING that can be done to help except Tylenol. I know that if I have NOT gotten it, it WILL take a lot out of pray that God is kind enough to let it pass STeve and I over....also pray that the antiboties kinda disappear (hopefullness again) or will at least stay the same amount. Also, pray for me as I am really going through alot of personal struggles from past encounters (lack of better terminology). I know that I need to rely on God to get me through it, but the human nature wants to fix it myself, and unfortunately trying to do so will make matters worse.
That is the update for this week. I hope to update at least every week from this point on, but it may be sooner or later, depending on the week. I will also try to get pics up, as that will be a great break from the typing. I hope that all have a great weekend, and week ahead:)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Announcement Mania Continues

Ok. Not to hop on the good old-fashioned band wagon or anything, but we have an announcement to make. I thought I could pull it off on just Facebook, but there are those of you who keep checking on here for the official announcement. I know...we have a counter:) hehehe.
Anyway, our fourth Patten is pending. We are planning on finding out what variety of Patten it will be, as there will be room configuration for either one. God planned a home warming gift for us when we were not looking...that is for sure. Thankfully, it happened here instead of the old rental property we were in. Anyway, the baby is due October 29, 2008, but due to the fact that the previous three Pattens came out via C-section, this one will be about two to three weeks earlier.
In the midst of this wonderful news, there comes a prayer request. We have already found out through the initial testing that I have tested positive for an antibody. No one is sure which it is, and a second round of blood has been taken and shipped off to the Red Cross for verification and identifcation. We know that it isn't Rh factor, as Steve's and my blood types match. However, there are about 50-60 different antiboties that can form during pregnancy, and some of those seem to disappear as fast as they show. Pray that at my next appointment (April 2), we will be able to find out for sure which of these antiboties it is, and that it isn't one to mess with the baby. Also, please pray for the general health of the family, as the girls have both tested positive for Influenza type B (one NOT covered by the shot). We think that JohnMark may have already had a run with it, and gave it to the girls, however he is starting to show similar symptoms to the girls when they began thier feat with the flu. There is a virus out there that mimicks the flu strain the girls have had, and all we know is that JohnMark had something that lasted about three weeks. Me being in my first trimester, am not allowed a flu shot (not that it would do any good...), but for all it seems, I am not allowed Tamiflu or the flu quickener either because it is not of the chosen class. Steve also has a problem, as his health insurance may wind up NOT covering everything he might have to go through. After a couple of follies due to the clinic, Steve may be able to be covered if he does indeed get the flu, but there again, prayer will help. Pray for me, as I have the tendency to continue to try and make the house run, and run after the kids even when I am sick...and pray that I have the understanding of what is going on with my body as I have never had the flu before in my LIFE. To say I am a bit nervous is a bit of an understatement. Also, pray for the girls as they recover. Kenzie seems to be pulling out of it just fine, but Abbi doesn't (she has the same tendencies as I do).
I should end this entry here, as the cat has decided to do things not normal for him. Namely, getting on the dresser and pushing things off, climbing on my lap, trying to walk on the keyboard...the typical attention things they do. For those of you who dont know, when we moved into the house, we picked up a basset hound named Toby, and a pretty kitty (who was abandoned) named Milo. Toby could have been Otis, but in reality, Otis was Toby's brother in the litter. So scratch that name out. It would have worked too, as both animals support an orangish brownish coloring where the patterns almost match. The two think they are brothers (and I am NOT kidding), and have often times been found eithere wrestling one another or sleeping with one another. Its pretty cute.
Anyway, for ending the post. I will keep all updated as we get more info. I will also do my deadlevel best to find the disk that has the pictures of the INSIDE of the house...or just break down and do more picks, as the house IS a bit more clean then the original pics...hehe. I will also try and get more updated pics of the kids on here, as well as the dog and cat.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Updated Pics of our house, Part 2 to come...

As I was looking through all of our disks on hand, I can not seem to find the one that I need. We took some pics on Thanksgiving day (and I know I have looked at it since) of the inside of the house, basically to give people the general idea of what the inside looks like completed. They werent the best, as our house has three human "tazs" living inside, as well as one four legged "taz" otherwise known as Toby the basset. I am hoping though, that before the week is out (that would be the 10th of Feb for those who are VERY literal) I have found the disk and put up the pics. Worst case scenario, I do not find the disks, and take new pics (a fun time to be had by all). I will keep yall updated:)

PS to those of you without a blogger account...GET ONE! I would really love to hear from everyone how you think this site is doing, or any improvements (other then frequency) that could or should be done to the site:)

Some updated pics of the house, Part 1

Ok, so as you can see this is the front of the completed house. This was taken back in September, before we moved in, so there is no sod, and the door actually changed (as that is the construction door). This is a pic of the back of our house. On the left hand side is our bedroom, and on the right is the girls' room. Again, this is before sod went down, and a few other minor details.
The side of the house...complete with deck. Otherwise known now as the dog run area...LOL. The small window is JohnMark's room, and the slidding glass door is to our dinning room. And, of course, the van:)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Frustration beyond degree... trying to get BACK on here has been a hassle. This is a text only update to try and get into the swing of things again.
We moved into our new house on Sept. 29, 2007. We are LOVING it. Shortly after moving in, almost everyone became healthier again, and shortly after them, Steve caught up. JohnMark showed almost immediate improvement (but as he had previously been on medication to help strengthen his lungs, that would go to figure), but Steve took a pretty bad hit with all of the mold. Our hallway has become somewhat of a gym for Toby the basset puppy, who runs laps anywhere from five minutes to twenty minutes. It gets hillarious, as bassets shouldnt be that active, but then again, this isnt a normal family...LOL.
Kenzie is getting ready for her 4th birthday, and as that is now less then two weeks away, its a wonder as to why. Both she and Abbi started school this year, which has been a trip and a half, as both girls know what needs to get done, but doing it seems to be the struggle. JohnMark seems to be learning things by default (he can count a few numbers between 1 and 10, as well as sing the alphabet a bit).
Steve is now solely employed by the YMCA of Albert Lea as thier Youth Programs Director. He has been full time since the end of August (can you see the reason behind the lack of updates?). He is enjoying his job immensely. I teach a Parent/Child swim class every Saturday where I teach the parents how to help their kids learn to swim. So far I have 4-two year olds who are all at diffrent levels of water awareness. This only adds to the fun and challenges of the class.
I will hopefully be on here more to update not only this site, but the randomthoughtspot as well. That is, now that I have gotten blogger to accept that not only is my email address and password working and correct, but they work and are correct. I hope that all that read this today have a great day, and come back at some point:)