Ok. Not to hop on the good old-fashioned band wagon or anything, but we have an announcement to make. I thought I could pull it off on just Facebook, but there are those of you who keep checking on here for the official announcement. I know...we have a counter:) hehehe.
Anyway, our fourth Patten is pending. We are planning on finding out what variety of Patten it will be, as there will be room configuration for either one. God planned a home warming gift for us when we were not looking...that is for sure. Thankfully, it happened here instead of the old rental property we were in. Anyway, the baby is due October 29, 2008, but due to the fact that the previous three Pattens came out via C-section, this one will be about two to three weeks earlier.
In the midst of this wonderful news, there comes a prayer request. We have already found out through the initial testing that I have tested positive for an antibody. No one is sure which it is, and a second round of blood has been taken and shipped off to the Red Cross for verification and identifcation. We know that it isn't Rh factor, as Steve's and my blood types match. However, there are about 50-60 different antiboties that can form during pregnancy, and some of those seem to disappear as fast as they show. Pray that at my next appointment (April 2), we will be able to find out for sure which of these antiboties it is, and that it isn't one to mess with the baby. Also, please pray for the general health of the family, as the girls have both tested positive for Influenza type B (one NOT covered by the shot). We think that JohnMark may have already had a run with it, and gave it to the girls, however he is starting to show similar symptoms to the girls when they began thier feat with the flu. There is a virus out there that mimicks the flu strain the girls have had, and all we know is that JohnMark had something that lasted about three weeks. Me being in my first trimester, am not allowed a flu shot (not that it would do any good...), but for all it seems, I am not allowed Tamiflu or the flu quickener either because it is not of the chosen class. Steve also has a problem, as his health insurance may wind up NOT covering everything he might have to go through. After a couple of follies due to the clinic, Steve may be able to be covered if he does indeed get the flu, but there again, prayer will help. Pray for me, as I have the tendency to continue to try and make the house run, and run after the kids even when I am sick...and pray that I have the understanding of what is going on with my body as I have never had the flu before in my LIFE. To say I am a bit nervous is a bit of an understatement. Also, pray for the girls as they recover. Kenzie seems to be pulling out of it just fine, but Abbi doesn't (she has the same tendencies as I do).
I should end this entry here, as the cat has decided to do things not normal for him. Namely, getting on the dresser and pushing things off, climbing on my lap, trying to walk on the keyboard...the typical attention things they do. For those of you who dont know, when we moved into the house, we picked up a basset hound named Toby, and a pretty kitty (who was abandoned) named Milo. Toby could have been Otis, but in reality, Otis was Toby's brother in the litter. So scratch that name out. It would have worked too, as both animals support an orangish brownish coloring where the patterns almost match. The two think they are brothers (and I am NOT kidding), and have often times been found eithere wrestling one another or sleeping with one another. Its pretty cute.
Anyway, for ending the post. I will keep all updated as we get more info. I will also do my deadlevel best to find the disk that has the pictures of the INSIDE of the house...or just break down and do more picks, as the house IS a bit more clean then the original pics...hehe. I will also try and get more updated pics of the kids on here, as well as the dog and cat.