Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Girls

This is Mackenzie. For those who missed her birth due to graduation or my forgetfulness, she was born February 3, 2004. Those who keep track, yes, she was my birthday present:) At the time of this picture (taken in May of 2006), she was just over 27 months.
This is Abbi holding JohnMark. The fact that she is opting to hold him and is smiling while doing so is a MAJOR improvement from before he was born. She went around telling people that if the baby was a girl we would bring her home. She was a bit suprised to find the baby was really a boy instead. He has quickly become her buddy.
Here is Mackenzie with JohnMark. This was a relationship that I knew was going to be great. She went around telling people that she wanted a brother because she already had a sister. To this day, if someone at church wanders off with JohnMark, she can be heard telling people "my JohnMark is gone".
Here are all three kids together. This was one of the tranquil moments that I am sure will never repeat itself. All three are competitive by nature, so the fact that all three were happy at the time was great. The one thing that hasn't changed since this picture was taken is the kids closeness with one another. They are getting closer every day...which is a good thing:)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Our Newest Addition

This is a picture of JohnMark Kerux Patten. He is number three in our line of children...third time is a charm as they say...and we found that true with this one. After two girls I think even Steve was praying ferverntly for a boy. This was taken right after he turned 5 weeks old. Unfortunately he is in the middle of a growth spurt, so he thought that the camera had food in it. As he gets older, there will be updated pictures added to the site.


Hey there yall!
This is our first ever blogspot. I am not sure how often it will be updated as of yet, but you will find pics of the kids, updates on our family and family life, and very possibly mussings from Steve on various things he has come across. I hope this site will be informative to all that visit it. Please let us know if you have any ideas on how to better it, and please be patient with us as we get this thing up and rolling.