Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More From The Fair

While at the Fair, we usually stop and see the Saturn exhibit. This year, they had a really fun looking sports car, which Abbi wanted to try out. We just about had to pry her out, as she had that much fun just sitting in the car!
Not to be outdone, Kenzie had to have a turn. As you can tell, she also enjoyed being behind the wheel, but is a bit more road conscience (facing the correct way in a car vs. Abbi who was pointed out the door). JohnMark was not interested in any of the cars that were there.
One of our yearly stops includes the 4-H building. This year, they had a technology corner set up with everything dealing from Guitar Hero to Wii stations set up for various ages. Abbi found one of the stations, set up for her age group. The game was a fishing type game, and her look of concentration was too good to pass up.
Abbi with the Wii controller in her hand actively playing, while Kenzie looks on and cheers her sister on.
Another priceless picture brought to you by Kenzie. She had her turn at the fishing game, and while she was busy playing, her concentration came out in her open hand gesturing. Again, this was one that had to get put up.

In the next post, I will be putting some up of JohnMark, as well as some other random pictures. Like I said before, this being 10 of over 50, I have to limit it somewhere. For those who check this site who have Facebook, I have MANY more posted on there.

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