Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Pics Have Arrived!!

We have a new camera! Here are a few pics to update everyone on what the kids look like at this stage of life! For those of you who have Facebook, some of these will be uploaded there too!
Abbi (age 6) and Kenzie (age 4 1/2). This was taken after bathtime, and before bedtime.
Kenzie and Abbi in one of their rare moments of sisterhood. Not sure if it was a purposeful pose or not, but I will take it!
JohnMark (age 2) at bathtime. This is our first ever bath pic of any of the kids. Apparently he enjoyed hamming for the camera!
One of our "kids". This would be the ever infamous Toby...the hyper basset. It doesn't look like it now, but he was busy going from room to room earlier having fun!
The other of our two "kids". This is Milo, the psycho cat. Though it does not appear like it now, the mouse was killed (stuffed of course), and then Milo attempted at playing fetch. I hope to get video of him actually playing fetch, as I am sure some of you would absolutely love it!

That just about does it for this update. As we get more pics, they will be added. We head to the State Fair on Monday, so that should present some pretty fun pictures. I will also try and get some pictures of the house (inside and out) up, as we have been here for a year now. I am excited as I am now definately keeping this updated! Hopefully it will last...especially with the baby coming.... :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Life and its Fun Times

Ok. So I havent updated in a while. More then a while. But I have a really good reason. Its called chasing three young ones, carrying the fourth (who demands naps at weird times), and trying to keep up with the house. That is, until today. Normally, when I hit nesting, I hand mop all floors that can handle mopping, then wax them by hand. We have a no wax vinal floor. Hand mopping could work, but not as well as before. I was asked to do a few extra things around the house today, which was done (thanks to the kids), but all of a sudden felt as if it werent enough. I then started in on windows. Why windows when floors could use it more, I have no idea, but windows it was. Midway through my second window (outside part), it occured to me that I was nesting. The second type..the one where the house MUST look spotless at all times kind. We have pretty much everything ready for the baby, which was done during the first type of nesting. It is interesting to see that my brain has taken to windows though. At the time of this blog, I have three left, all in the bedrooms. I am trying to rationalize that no one will see them except those of us in the family, but it keeps getting over-ridden by the thought of "there are only three left". I am scared to find out what my next nesting push will be. Probably something totally off the wall like washing the walls or something fun. Then again, when has my brain ever done anything close to normal??
Ok.. On with the family. The girls made it through soccer just fine. Hopefully soon I will be able to put their soccer pictures up for all to see. At the end of the season, it was hard to tell if they wanted to keep doing soccer, or if it was just a fun thing at the time. I know that they are now focused on swimming lessons. I have yet to hear about basketball. I am also hoping to start schooling in the next week or expect posts about that fun venture.
JohnMark is getting excited for the baby in his own way. I have officially become his which there is a loving war between Kenzie, JohnMark, and the baby over whose mom I really am. Its definatly fun times.
As for the baby. We still do not know the date of deliverery, but I am still hoping for Oct. 9th. The date is one in a lifetime, and since we already have a 02-03-04, we might as well have a 10-09-08. We have finally decided on a name...which will be Levi Marshall. In case all pictures are wring, and the baby will be another girl, the name will be Lydia Rene'. At last check, baby still seems to be a bit bigger then normal, but may have actually caught up to where he needs to be. Then again, he likes to change positions on people we shall see after Labor Day at the next apointment.
I should end this here, as the kids need lunch, and the windows are calling me still. I am hoping to be able to update this a bit more often though.