Monday, September 25, 2006

Updated Pics of the Kids

Here is Abbi. She is now 4 years old, and very sassy. I had to recently cut her hair because she would not stop chewing on it. Personally, I think that this style hair works very well on her. Her favorite movie at this point and time is Newsies...though I have no clue why...LOL
Here is Kenzie (her name that she prefers now). When asked if she wanted her hair trimmed or cut short, she answered that she wanted her hair short. This disappointed me as her hair had been as long as mid-back. She is now 2 1/2 years old, and is VERY "Twoish". Her favorite thing to do of late is get into trouble...LOL
Finally, here is JohnMark, otherwise known as "Bubba". For those of you who have kept up with us over the years, you know that there is a Pooh theme. Abbi is Piglet (acts like Tigger), Kenzie is Roo (or Ru), and JohnMark is quickly becoming Pooh. I guess by default that would put me at Kanga. Now all we need is Eyore and Rabbit and we are set...NOT! With 4 guinea pigs and three kids, we have 7-I think we are set. Anyway, JohnMark is now 4 1/2 months old. He isnt sitting up by himself yet, but we have conquered sleeping the night through. Heis main mode of transport is rolling everywhere.
Well, that does it for this update. I am hoping to get on here a bit more and give more updates as time allows. Soon we should have pictures of the "pigs" up so everyone can see them.