Thursday, January 25, 2007

A Quick Note from Amy

Just a quick note: I finally put up a new post on the randomthoughtspot. From time to time I will put things on there that are pure randomness for the sake of such. If too much time goes by, then I will notify people of the updates over here.
Speaking of quick updates, JohnMark is recovering very well, He has gone back to smiling, laughing, crawling, giggling, babbling, and letting one and all know "I did it!" whatever "it" is. Just thought I would let yall know, and thank those who came by and read the first post for your prayers over the matter. I know that they helped not only him to heal, but me to stay sane through it all. -AMP

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Crazy Life @ Home

Life has gotten hectic as of late. We are still awaiting the repairman to fix land lines (hence the reason there really hasnt been any updates from the family side of things), we have all three kids sick, Steve is going crazy with work, and I am going crazy due to lack of sleep due to the kids.
Let me backtrack a bit. JohnMark has gotten pegged with RSV, Abbi and Kenzie both have doube ear infections as well as bronchitis, and I have (what I think) has amounted to an ear infection given to me by the girls. So far, JohnMark seems to be holding his own, though his blood oxegyn numbers are a little screwy.
All this to say, this entry is short due to being on a friends computer and the fact that JohnMark is going bonkers due to not feeling well and being extrememly tired. Please keep us in prayer. We will update as we can.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Three Men in Life and Death

This is not original with me, but was sent to me in this weekend's Grif.Net. I thought it made a really good point. Anyone interested in subscribing to the Grif.Net, a daily dose of clean humor with sobriety on the weekends, can subscribe by going to www.

Did anybody happen to notice this week the picture God painted for us as wewatched the events of the day unfold on every news station around theworld? The portrait of three men's lives shown clearly through the eventsof their deaths. One a wise man, one a foolish man and one a wicked man.These men captured the world's attention by their lives and their deaths. Their funerals spoke volumes about the course of life they had chosen topursue with the few short years God had granted to them.All three men, President Ford, James Brown and Saddam Hussein had choices intheir destiny. Today they have all three stood in front of the God of thisuniverse with those choices unveiled and judged. God allowed us to see threemen yesterday.President Gerald Ford, a man whose faith in God and service to his countrywas eulogized by many speakers during the solemn and dignified ceremonieswhich marked his passing. A man of character and integrity, not perfect butmade righteous by his faith in Jesus Christ. It was in this righteousnesshe lived out his life as a servant to his fellowman and his country. Greatmen and dignitaries attended his funeral, all coming to pay respect andhonor to a man most deserving.James Brown also was eulogized in a funeral ceremony befitting his lifechoices. There was blaring rock music, gyrating bodies, costumes, and greatsensual displays of revelry to portray the contribution this man had giventhrough his life to his fellowman. He lived a life of drugs, alcohol,immorality and rock music. He was heralded the father of Rap music and theinspiration of Michael Jackson's greatness. His funeral with all of itstheatrics was befitting the excess of waste his life portrayed.Then we had the gruesome hanging of Saddam Hussein. His death was as goryas his life. A brutal murderer and dictator hung by his neck and secretedaway in the middle of the night to an unmarked grave. Thousands of Iraqiscelebrated his death for through his life he had brought untold misery anddeath to many. A man so wicked that it seemed the world breathed acollective sigh of relief at the pronouncement of his death.Three men who left their mark on the entire world. All three have now stoodbefore their Creator to answer for the choices they made in their life asyou and I will someday.There is only one choice and Gerald Ford's life exemplifies the nobility ofchoosing to walk in harmony with The Creator through the acceptance of JesusChrist as his Redeemer.James Brown chose to walk in the flesh. His life's work glorified the fleshand his death magnified the flesh.Saddam Hussein chose evil. He was a narcissistic megalomaniac. His lifeglorified evil and his death was gruesome.This all played out in one day. God painted a great picture for mankind tosee. I pray people got His message.

[forwarded from Montana; original source unknown]