Friday, November 10, 2006

Youth Activity Ideas

I'm always trying to think of new, and of course bigger and better, youth activities for our youth group at church. At youth activities we generally have 15-25 youth from grades 6-12. Any ideas would be great. Obviously the best ideas will be not only fun, but lend themselves to a Biblical principle or lesson.

Currently I'm thinking about doing something along the lines of Deal or No Deal. Is it just me or is that an AWESOME show!! But since my brain is wired a little different, like there was any question about that, the part of the show that really intrigues me is the mathematics in figuring out what the probability is of the different values and how they decide how much to offer for the case. All activity ideas are welcomed.

Please remember, comments should be about activities; not how my brain is wired :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm leaving a comment here since it's your last blog. This is Rachelle (Courts) Metzger by the way, and I finally came onto the alumni website and am going to get my own blogspot to add to it once I am able to (after my 4 mth old Lucas stops trying to eat my hands) So you can check it out. But what I was really wanting to say is that I think you guys have the cutest kids (after mine of course) Congrats on the boy... when was he born??? Just wondering. Hope all's going well.
