Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Family Update

Well, its been a month or better since the last family update. Since the last time I updated, we have gone to a Twins game with JohnMark, been to a county fair twice, and made plans for our annual trek up to the State Fair. I will take each tale one by one.
First off, the Twins game. It was actually his second, but the first one that he was truely intersted in. Though I am not sure which was more interesting, the game or the lightrail train. The Steele County Free Fair was a fun trip. We found out JohnMark loves lumberjack competitions. Something to keep in mind for the State Fair.
JohnMark has got a nickname!!! He has opted for Bubba. The south is showing through:)
He also has taken to rolling over. This is only funny when he tries to crawl after rolling over.
Well, that is all the updates as of now. I will update after the fair:)

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