Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Family Update

So purple is the color choice of the day. Not sure why I chose this, but oh well:) Since last post, Abbi has had her 6th birthday, which has seemingly signified in her mind she is "officially a big girl". It is amazing when someone realizes they are a big girl...I am not sure when that came to me, but I think I was a bit older...LOL. Both Abbi and Kenzie are in soccer through the YMCA now, and I think both are enjoying it. Abbi (once she figured out what she was doing) stopped a couple of would-be goals from happening. She then took the field, and promptly ran the ball the wrong way. Thankfully the "Coach" stopped the ball from bee-lining it in the goal and pointed the correct way to go. I was sooo proud of her! Kenzie has learned the fun of rolling a soccer ball down a hill, then rolling herself down the hill after it in order to beat the soccer ball. She does play with the other kids a bit, but as most of the kids have their mom or dad on the field with them, I think she feels a bit left out. Once I explained that I couldnt be out there, but would LOVE to be, she was ok with it...then found the joys of the hill. Its ok...I knew she loved Volleyball when she was playing it. She seems to show no interest in Track and Field, or Basketball, so I think between Swim Team (when she gets old enough and provided that is still a priority) and Volleyball she will be set. Abbi is LOVING soccer so much that I think she will be the basketball and soccer person. JohnMark hasnt said either way yet, but as he has a couple of years to go, I think that is fine. We still have not settled on a name for #4 yet, though I think we are getting closer. His playtime is consistantly between 11 pm and 5 am...though that seems to be shifting. If Abbi or Kenzie comes in during the morning, and starts to talk, the baby soon as JohnMark starts talking (usually when he gets in) the baby is up and stays that way until JohnMark is asleep again. Life will be SOO fun when he gets here:) Our garden is doing well...for a really weird and wacky reasons. The rabbits DO get in, but they eat the grass and weeds that get into the garden. Our lettuce has been untouched, as has most everything else. Hopefully things will start coming off soon!! Now all I have to do is get ahold of a salsa receipe for canning:)
I apologize that this update seems to be a bit scattered. Blame it on lack of sleep:) I am hoping to remember to update this site a bit more often. If anyone has any ideas at all about Biblical names for boys, please feel free to leave a message:)