Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Home and Family Update (Part 2)

Ok. As mentioned in the last post, our house was a different color then planned. This is as close to the color as I can get. The whole house. I like the color, like what it does to the house, but can not stand the entire house this color. Anyway, this is a picture of what will be the dining room. It comes equiped with a sliding glass door, and outside will have a 4'x8' deck. Just to the left is the kitchen area.
This is a picture of the kitchen area. The box in the middle of the floor is our central a/c unit. If it were moved directly back a couple of feet, that is where the island goes. Let me just say, this is NOT a typical Habitat House. The sliding glass door, the deck on the side, and the island are usually options that you can choose to get instead of the a/c. All of these things were included in the plans for the house, and the a/c unit was our choice for the option.
Here is a picture of our livingroom. Again, due to the limited space, it is only a partical picture. Just to the left is the light stand, and the half wall. Like I said in the previous post, when the pictures come for the painted walls (basically when I do the update for the finished product), I will try and get a better picture.
This is a picture of our actual door. From what I am told this will go up after Open House and Dedication. For those who are wondering, that will be on Saturday September 8, 2007 at 1 p.m. After that is over, I will update again as the walls will be finished, the vinyl will be down, and there will be kids in appropriate rooms...hehe. Behind the door and to the right is the utility room. This is where the washer and dryer, furnice, sump pump, and drain will be. There may be a couple of other things, but not sure.
I know alot of you may be wondering why I am puting a picture of a bunch of signed boards up. Here is the story. I was asked to help out at a local golf tournament. This helped us by allowing us to earn hours, and helped the orginazation by doing Public Relations type things for Habitat. The deal was, as golfers came by the hole, for a monitary donation of their choosing, they could sign the boards. These boards then in turn go into the house. Some of the signatures are from ordinary citizens of Albert Lea and surrounding area. Most are from prominate business people within the community. It was humbling to see how much people gave to help others who need it. It was also encouraging to see that, just because I was there, the organization earned more money for Habitat then they had in the past. It has also been very encouraging to see that anytime we talk to someone within the Habitat orginization, they get excited to see that we are recipeints. That story is for another post though.

Prayer requests: that everything gets done on time, as it seems it will. Also, for the better part of a month and a half, JohnMark has been having digestive issues. After some pretty extensive testing, all we have found out is that there is an elevated number of one kind of enzyme located in his liver. The doctor said that it usually shows itself during a viral infection, but as JohnMark hasnt really had any for longer then the problem has existed, the doctor is not sure what is causing the elevated numbers. Because of the elevated numbers, he was refered to Mayo Clinic in Rochester to see a Pediatric Gastrointerologist (or Peds GI). We go on Monday September 10 for that one. Pray that the doctor can figure this out without having repeated visits. Another request is for childcare. On Tuesday September 11 we attend homebuyers course here in town, as we need to do for signing the papers for the house. It goes from 9:30 in the morning to 630 that night. There are a couple of families I could check with, but it still will be interesting to see if I can find people. We are slated to move that Saturday September 15. To say it will be a busy couple of weeks is an understatement. (by the way, this is close to the color that JohnMark's room will end up being).

Keep watch for further updates:)

Home and Family Update (Part 1)

To start this update off...this is close to the color we had decided to go with for the house. Maybe a bit lighter, but this is close. In Part 2, you will see the actual color the house wound up being. Ok, so this is a picture of JohnMark's room. Due to the limitations, this is only a partcial picture. When the pictures get here with the room painted (these rooms are all primed, not painted), I will get better pictures. Here again is a partcial (sp error?) picture of the girls' room. This picture was taken from the doorway of JohnMark's room. Fortunately for me, they will finally be separated. Unfortunately for them, they share the closet wall. Oh well. As you can see through the window, the construction dumpster is still there.
Due to human error, the lightswitch wiring is all you will see of our room in this update. If you look through the crack, you will see JohnMark's room. Off to the left, and next to the fan is the bathroom. The next room on that wall is the hall closet. If you look straight hard enough, you will see our van outside of the door. The playpen and lightstand are in our livingroom, and just to the right of the wall on the right is the dining/kitchen area. As I hinted earlier, this picture was taken from our room.
Here is a grainy, yet completely seeable picture of our bathroom. The inside of the house was litterally framed around the tub. I think from this point on, anytime I see the tub, I will remember the day the house went up. Something that is not included in this picture is the linen closet. It is located just to the left of me.
These are part of the stairs going down to the basement. As you can see, we have a landing and a half wall to set things on. The wall on the right is actually another half wall that borders the livingroom. Stay tuned for more pictures in Part 2.