This would be the 7th of July. The day that the subfloor was built. We just came by to check on things, and found these guys building the floor. The next day, we did a mad rush to get a tarp over a hold (made for the stairs), because there were some storms coming. Unfortunately, we missed the easement hole, and there was some water in the basement anyway. As you see below, it didn't slow things down.
We showed up at 7:45 am on July 9 for the building. This is a picture of one of our walls that was pre-built and carted over. All four walls, as well as the roof support beams were pre done at the lumber yard.
This was taken an hour after we arrived. At the time we showed up, only the back wall was up, not boarded at all. In just one hour, the other two walls, some support beams for the roof, and the back wall boarded. This set the tone for the whole day. At the end, all that remained was the siding, and the front door.
We showed up at 7:45 am on July 9 for the building. This is a picture of one of our walls that was pre-built and carted over. All four walls, as well as the roof support beams were pre done at the lumber yard.
This was taken an hour after we arrived. At the time we showed up, only the back wall was up, not boarded at all. In just one hour, the other two walls, some support beams for the roof, and the back wall boarded. This set the tone for the whole day. At the end, all that remained was the siding, and the front door.
I hope to have the other disc formated (with pictures saved), and up soon. We now have internet again, so that should not be a big issue. Also, I hope to have newer pictures as well (battery needs to be charged). Stay tuned:)