Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Pseudo Expected Update :)

JohnMark at the beginning of the day. As you can tell, he is a bit excited about his journey, and looking forward to all of the fun that the day holds.
The kids visited the Newspaper Press for the first time. While there, they had the chance to learn how printing presses, linographs, and neswspapers as a whole were produced. At the end of the "tour", they each recieved their own "Press Hats".
The kids during their time at the "Farm". This year they had various cut-outs the kids could pose at. This is the only one that allowed for all three to particiapate. Even though it is not a clear shot (room really did not allow for it), JohnMark is up top (with me holding), Kenzie is the pig, and Abbi is the sheep. In following posts, there will be more of these cut-outs, but as this particular post is to show all three, this one had to make it first.

Like the title holds, and as I have been promising, here is the next update. On Labor Day, we went to the Minnesota State Fair. While there were several pictures taken, I have to resign myself to only a few to be posted, as I am already looking at at least a couple of postings in order to get them on the site (something about a five pic limit...). I will include as much of the story as possible with the pictures, most of which will be of the kids (of course :) ). So sit back and enjoy this update, coming in many different installments, but well worth it :)

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